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Press Release – New York, May 3, 2013


present a preview of
'The Spirit of Saturn'

PooL Art Fair New York 2013
10, 11 and 12 May, 2013
Open daily: 3 pm to 10 pm
Opening event: Friday May 10, 7 pm
Flatiron Hotel, Room #408
26th Street @ Broadway, New York, NY

Visual artist Elise Tak and her brother, comics creator Tobias Tak proudly present a preview of their very first collaborative work 'The Spirit of Saturn' at PooL Art Fair New York 2013. In this fairy tale about mankind's mortal misconceptions around divinity and mythology, the traditional and refined drawing skills of Tobias are merged with Elise's high-tech and glossy 3D and CGI techniques. Together the two artists redefine the art of visually rich storytelling. Both Elise and Tobias are known for their narrative art. All through their respective careers they have created their own unique worlds, inhabited by imaginary characters. Elise Tak has created a multi-layered illusory world of cinema, in which ten fictional actors discuss and satirize contemporary and historical socio-political issues, whereas Tobias' comics are set in a dreamlike and magical universe full of outlandish and wondrous creatures. In 'The Spirit of Saturn' the two fantasy worlds and different techniques meet and merge into a new and exciting whole.
Don't miss this exclusive premiere!

In addition to the sneak preview of 'The Spirit of Saturn' the two artists will also present new work of their own at PooL Art Fair New York 2013.

Elise Tak (living and working Brooklyn, NY) will show a selection of stills from her 34-part series 'The Nose', based on the story by Gogol. Starring Tak's fictional character actors Pete Banich and Roy Rebergen, 'The Nose' tells the story of a barber who finds a nose in his bread during breakfast and with horror recognizes it as that of one of his regular customers. The stills will be accompanied by a continuous showing of the short film 'Here's What I Like...Russian Literature. And Now I'll Tell You Why' (2011), for which they were originally made. This film was directed by Abigail Zealy Bess and written and conceived by Amy Staats.
To see more stills from The Nose click here

Tobias Tak (living and working in London, UK) will show a series of prints based on poems by Federico García Lorca. It is a true meeting of poetic minds. In delicate colors Tak gives his visual interpretation of Lorca's themes of isolation, loss and nature. Included are 'Canción del Naranjo Seco' (Song of the Barren Orange Tree), 'Canción Tonta' (Foolish Song) and 'La Luna Asoma' (The Moon Comes Up).

Nose clip
Elise Tak: Pete Banich in 'The Nose', 2011 (sequence of stills)

Tobias Tak
Tobias Tak: 'La Luna Asoma' (The Moon Comes Up), 2013